- We, here at Archbridge Capital are trying to inform our readers about some of the trades that we take ourselves and to demonstrate our views about the markets. In short we put our money where our mouth is and are quiet otherwise. Obviously, we do not publish all our trades and also do not publish our ideas before we have put on the trades ourselves, as we do need to leave some advantage to our investors and ourselves.
- We believe that in that spirit we should also update you every once in a while, when we are in the press giving interviews on CNBC, the BBC or Bloomberg.
- The below articles published a while ago highlight our views on the crude oil markets at the time.

From Bloomberg News:
Brent Crude Advances Before US Data
3rd of May 2013
By Grant Smith & Rupert Rowling
...“We are currently in a low demand environment and are increasingly realizing that at these high prices for crude oil more supply is coming online than is demanded,” said Hakan Kocayusufpasaoglu, chief investment officer at Archbridge Capital AG, a Zug, Switzerland-based hedge fund, who estimates that Brent crude should trade below $100 a barrel...
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