Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Flash Update

  • Here at Archbridge Capital we are judged on our performance. We are done so continuously and relentlessly. And we exist because judgement has been favourable. In that spirit we thought it was worth tracking how we did on our published research, even though our published research occurs after we have already entered/exited the positions we advocate. 
  • Archbridge Capital Journal's detailed analysis and rising readership have caused it to be a victim of its own success: We have formed a Joint Venture with FOREKS a leading data provider with a vast and established customer base and will offer our Analysis and Insight in the shape of a Weekly Report and Video properly branded as "TRADE STREET".
  • In April we had explained in TRADE STREET that we had sold the Oct 14 - Nov 14 Gasoline spread short; 2 Units worth. (Sell two Units of the Oct14 and Buy 2 Units of the Nov14 RBOB contract). At the time the spread was trading around 4 and now it is trading around 2. WE RECOMMEND TAKING PROFIT ON THIS TRADE IMMEDIATELY - STRAIGHT AND SIMPLE.
  • Also please note that our Trailing Stop at 1950, as announced earlier and since then publicised by the press, to exit our long position on the S&P 500 has been triggered and we took our profits on this trade. It seems well timed in retrospect and we are grateful.
  • We will continue publishing short Notes about the markets, here on Archbridge Capital Journals. Our new publication TRADE STREET is currently only available for our Institutional Readership but will be available for all of us soon!
  • Overall the portfolio has been Profitable and for our early readers, very much so!
  • "There are good trades that make money and bad trades that make money. There are good trades that lose money and bad trades that lose money. Money in the long-run is made from continuously taking the good trades." - Old Trading Adage.

Disclaimer: This report was prepared and distributed by Archbridge Capital AG, a company regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA via VQF. The report was prepared and distributed for information purposes only. It contains information and opinions, which may be used as the basis for trading undertaken by Archbridge Capital AG and its officers, employees and related associates. The report should not be construed as solicitation nor as offering advice for the purposes of the purchase or sale of any asset, security or financial instrument or provide any investment advice or service, nor is it an official confirmation of terms. All information, opinions, estimates, forecasts, technical levels and valuations contained herein, are subject to change without notice. The report also contains information provided by third parties. Whilst Archbridge Capital AG has taken all reasonable steps to ensure this information is correct, Archbridge Capital AG does not offer any warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. Any views or opinions expressed do not necessarily represent those of Archbridge Capital AG. The assets, securities and financial instruments discussed herein, may not be suitable for all investors, depending on individual needs, objectives and financial conditions. Any person placing reliance on the report to undertake trading does so entirely at their own risk and Archbridge Capital AG does not accept any liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss arising from any use of this material. You should be aware that returns can be volatile and you may lose all or a portion of your investment. Past performance of any investment or trading tool or strategy is not necessarily indicative of future performance or results. This information is not intended tax or legal advice. Unless otherwise stated, any pricing information given in this posting is indicative only, is subject to changes and does not constitute an offer to deal at any price quoted. As electronic publications are subject to alternations, Archbridge Capital AG shall not be liable for the improper transmission of this message, including the completion of information contained herein, the delay in its receipt, any possible interference, any possible damage to your system, or transmission of viruses.